What Is Doss Electric EMC LLC, and Who Is The Owner?

Doss Electric EMC (Electrical Maintenance and Construction) is an Indiana licensed, insured, and bonded LLC corporation serving a large part of the NW Indiana areas, and some of the Chicagoland areas as well. The owner is Larry R. Doss, a highly trained Electrician in the fields of Industrial, Commercial, and Residential electrical design, installation, troubleshooting and repair, modification, predictive and preventative maintenance of electrical equipment in all of those fields; and has been a Master Electrician for 48 years now. Still going strong, and very proud of it. I have acquired an enormous amount of skills in the many different fields of electrical branches through the following; such as: Industrial (U.S. Steel South Works and Ford Motor Co - Chgo. Assembly Plant), Commercial Projects and jobs working for many companies such as Omni 41 Fitness Center (as Electrical Building Engineer)  and The Radisson Hotel in Merrillville (Maint. Supv. and Temp Position of Chief Engineer) to mention just a couple. All through the years doing licensed residential work in Chicago throughout the areas of South Chgo. and most of the Eastside of Chgo. I started a 4 year apprenticeship in 1973, and become a top rated journeyman by 1976, just 3 years later. Very focused and very goal oriented to learn everything I could to be the best at whatever I did. A determined and successful young man I was. Through the years after gaining employment at Ford Chgo. Assembly in 1977, I learned very intricate skills in installation, modification, troubleshooting, and repairing of online and offline automation equipment, PLC programming on many levels, robotics of several models used in production, and so much more about assembly line detection devices and how it all works together and why sometimes it doesn't and how to predict and prevent future failures in many cases. Worked in all the environmental changes throughout the plant operations, from body shop welding equipment to paint department, to the very intricate side of Final Area. I loved the Final Area as it had so many different types of interesting equipment and processes. I gained a vast spectrum of knowledge of all the systems used. I was so very well versed in the processes and troubleshooting that I was asked to travel to other Ford plants and Vendor Facilities to troubleshoot,  repair, and train others on intricate systems processes; and/or facilitate the design/build of the electrical equipment before installation into our plant which I had to oversee during the installation process. I was the first UAW tradesman to ever be promoted to Electrical Leader based on "Merit and Ability" as opposed to the old way of just promotion by seniority. It doesn't stop there. I ran the Electronics Lab in Final Area repairing failed electronics boards, and taught PLC and equipment troubleshooting to all Final Area Electricians. As the Final Area FTPM Coordinator, I taught FTPM to Maintenance and Production Workers, (over 2200 employees). Further depths of learning earned me a 6 Sigma certificate, and a  prestigious "Train-The-Trainer" teaching certificate. I was also the PM Planner in Final Area and was involved in Corporate level input into the new PM software changes. Then there is the Residential and Commercial side of things to write about but will turn this into a short novel. Too much to write, but I think you get the point. I have 154 various related certificates - available upon request if you have the time. 

I want you to know that this is not a bragging page. It is actual and factual. Thank you for reading this short story of my history as a dedicated "Electrician For Life".

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